Saturday, March 16, 2013

Social Network Marketing Part II

Social Media Marketing using Twitter

#     Focus on Brand promotions & micro blogging (140 characters)

#     Filling up the page with quick technique & tips.

#     Use & to find more users.

#     We can easily gain followers by following the active members in twitter.

#     We will get followers by following the followers of experts, gurus or of our competitors  in twitter.

#     When we follow 100 members we will get at least 70 followers.

#     For getting the followers we have to follow many in a consecutive manner.

#     We can post a product, link etc and ask for opinion and reviews.

#     We can use affiliate marketing & micro blogging.

#      Create banner about products, organizations etc

#      We can post promotional codes for products such as discount coupon, buy 3 get 1 etc.

#      Build a personal relationship with the  followers & create a trustworthiness among them.

#      Upload  genuine photo, company logo or product logo.

#      Don’t take the customer directly to the product page. Give them details description before taking them to the product page.

#      The followers want something from us so we always want to sell some thing more than they expect.

 #     Try to implement cross selling in website (pack include coke when we buy pizza).

 #     We need to add personal touch in marketing for it to work. Customize our communication in order to stand out.

#      Highlight our brand we cannot make any compromise in quality and Brand establishment.

      By following the above techniques we can achieve a good traffic and sales using twitter.